Boolean : Yes or No

It was my first day in office. I joined others to attend the induction classes. Seems like back to college, only difference is that we are getting paid for learning.

Our instructor arrived at scheduled time. It was fun, it was not like regular classes but full with activities. The activities include Skits, role play, debate etc to make the topic interesting.

On the second day technical sessions started with OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) concepts. Our instructor was skilled enough to put those concept in a very different way. He took real life example so that we don’t have to try too hard to remember the basics. One of our classmate has some communication problem and he can be heard saying “This is what I actually mean sir.” almost every time.

“Once you know the answer, all of us mean the same”, the instructor joked.

I was sure our classmate Nishant  knew the answer but unable to communicate because of his accent and pitch of his voice. As a matter he was trolled by the instructor followed by laughter of the batch mates.

That day as a part of activity we are supposed to participate in a game called Boolean.

“There will be two teams. One question at a time which has to be answered in either Yes or No. Ask me any question and I shall answer in yes or no”, the instructor was ready for the demo.

One voice from behind came loud this time “Does your wife still beat you?” Unbelievable! It’s Nishant.

All of us including the instructor are quiet. After taking some time the instructor replied “No”.

We cannot help laughing. Nishant was called after the class and later awarded B+ grade for the induction classes.

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